Layered Reality Engages Samuels & Company

Layered Reality is the future of immersive entertainment incorporating a unique method of building an immersive experience with three layers of multimedia. The Company combines the latest digital tech (Virtual Reality, projection mapping and volumetric holograms) together with live theatre (live actors, movie-scale sets, and special effects) plus real physical sensations (touch, temperature, smell, sound and music, physical movement, and taste) to create an experience that is truly memorable.

Layered Reality’s Founder and CEO Andrew McGuinness explains: “Because you've got your nose smelling something your eyes are seeing, and then you can see a 150-foot Martian fighting machine, you’re really convinced that you are in that place, and you get a much more intense experience than you could ever have with one single layer. It's by bringing those layers together that the physical movement of your body tells you that this is real. This transports you to a totally new place for a couple of hours where you're immersed in another world.”

Based in the United Kingdom, Layered Reality has engaged Samuels & Company to assist the Company in its expansion in the United States.

For more information about Layered Reality: